Casablancas NOT ALREADY tears surprised me
The Strokes in connection the latest album - "Angles" (not to be confused with the Angels). Only a few fragments of it reminds me that this is what they do. Disappointed prospectors nonchalant cries Julian Casablancas, ie mainly fans of classic Strokesów.
plate mainly attracts a great single, "Under The Cover Of Darkness", but such views have sweeter as the snow here in May. Because like everything is business as usual - loud guitar, but where are being lost Julian Casablancas vocals obliterated, where these great solos Albert Hammond Jr? Casablancas tears at the truth in "Two Kinds Of Happiness "or" Games ", but for his standards, we can say that it is only slightly raised voice. In addition, his cry is lost somewhere in the tangle of synthesizers, guitars and backing vocals .... The next track "You're So Right" is the complete departure from what The Strokes have done so far. Yes - having fun with electronics in the "Flirts Impressions Of Earth", but there were no more than interludes, while the "Angles" electronic game "first violin". A lot of electronic borrowings also bring more songs. The most interesting is that not a bit This is not like The Strokes, I still have a feeling of communing with some clones and not real Strokesami.
this sense does not compensate me or "Gratisfaction, quite pretty in their style, or pulse, live" Metabolism "and certainly not" Life Is Simple In The Moonlight. " There would be nothing really wrong with them wybaczyłbym this change. If the songs make sense, because it seems to me that a 5 year break proved enough to bring a sensible whole idea. It came out vaguely, like toasted bread, there is no sense of style and idea and rightly said Alexis Petridis of The Guardian: "Angles sounds like an album created by people who did not want this album to create." Full consent.
Rating: 3 / 10
Issued by: Martin Barela
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