The Twilight Singers - Twilight As Played By The Twilight Singers
April 10 at the Stodola Club in Warsaw will play the band The Twilight Singers. Let us remind ourselves of their debut album. Greg Dulli, responsible for most of the material, seemingly tough guys like James Dean, with huge glasses and indispensable cigarette in his mouth on the disc is given material worthy of the most spiritual soul artists.
already the first sounds of song Twilight Kid are stunning simplicity and beauty. Heard clearly a reference to a more romantic side of przeciąganymi Radiohead, very touching backing vocals at the helm - the brand Oxford group. Beautiful vocals will be heard the entire CD, for example, taken from the tradition of American hip-hop and soul music song Love. Tradition soul (and Clyde), it is easy to find here include the beautiful ballad Railroad Lullaby, a combination of Sade and the Lighthouse Family. Ballad is probably the most accurate determination of defining album. Even if the soothing sounds of a guitar solo shows that the aggressive parts of brass instruments, it is immediately suppressed by the minimalist Dulliego vocals and piano, including the ubiquitous company with excellent bass parties.
Twilight Singers debut album had a profound mark on not only the artists who follow the path of RNB / Soul. Benefited from it, inter alia, Blink 182 (downloaded theme from Annie Mae), Animal Collective (probably the first freak folk whine in Verti-Marte) and Arcade Fire are probably posiłkowali Into The Street. Beautiful album ...
recalled: Martin Barela
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