The Old Zawidów views of three countries: the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland. The earth is coming to a Neisse, flowing picturesque valley. From the Görlitz and conical hills Luban grow with beveled tops. Volcanic Landeskrone frozen on the horizon from the Görlitz. of Jizera massif in the mirror, jumps in rhythm through the holes in the asphalt. Here ends the Sudetenland. Channel Way rut and need to focus attention on the lunar surface.
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Area Old Zawidów |
The life of Jacob Böhme way to Zgorzelec was also uneven and threw travel on all sides. Old Master shoemaker Zawidów he could not indulge in contemplation, and soak up the panoramic view of Upper Lusatia, without worrying that it breaks off the wheel, or the trip ends pushed into a ditch by the driver speeding supply Fiat Ducato. Böhme later wrote that nature is an emanation of God. "If it was not nature, it would not be the splendor and power, much less majesty, and would not mind, but without being quiet. " (Religion, OWN Encyclopedia, Volume 2, p. 160). James did not move far beyond the native Silesia and landscapes provide him such deep experiences. "If you want to talk about God, what God is, you need to urgently consider the forces of nature."
In 1599 James was still an ordinary master shoemaker, who was moving to Zgorzelec to marry the daughter of a butcher to buy house, start a family and a craft workshop. Nine months later a son was born, and all signs pointed to the fact that the family Böhme will live in harmony with the rules of his guild. James the first two years very well took up his duties. But God had other plans for him. When the master worked in the workshop, appeared to him as a reflection of the tin pot, or a pint of beer. Shoemaker fell into a state of deep meditation. "They opened my door, so that within fifteen minutes I saw and learned more than if I lived many years in higher education [...] Since I saw and learned the essence of all beings "(" Theosophische Sendbriefe "12, 6) -mentioned in the" Letters theosophical. Mystical experience influenced him so strong, that James had to go out of town to get some fresh air.
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Joseph Grochal |
Joseph Grochal looking out the window overlooking the route to be 410 years before followed the enlightened master shoemaker Jacob. Street along the Neisse is named Daszyńskiego and connects the center of Zgorzelec, with a pedestrian crossing the border to Görlitz. On the opposite bank of the river haunted ruins of the factory lug capacitors smashed windows. Mr. Joseph, in spite of 75 years, is a very energetic man. "Perhaps in this House Jacob Böhme suffered a revelation" - and wonders movement of the head indicates a shoemaker's workshop arranged. Plaques on the wall informed about the unusual life of a cobbler - a mystic from Görlitz, which Hegel called "the German philosopher" (Philosophus teutonicus). Workshops craft were on the street level, not on the second floor, but Mr. Joseph is not especially exercised about the head. He believes that God can reveal himself to man. Also shoemaker in Görlitz.
mystical power accumulated in the house of Jacob, still oozes from the walls of the building. So says Mr. Joseph. The Communists were unable to exorcise the spirit of the place along with German residents. After the war the building nad Nisou got ownership of the city and set up rooms in the apartment Infrastructure. Only in 2002 the Association "Euroopera" took over the house of Jacob. After the renovation, organized on two floors of the house of memory, dedicated to the pre-eminent tenant four centuries. Grochal Since then, the company with a friend, acts as a curator, collector and guide in one. He talks about master, anyone who buys a ticket for 3 gold. He speaks of the "winder", but like it when tourists call it "the second James." While urban festival takes the role of the Lutheran theologian and delight Zawidów Milner analogy in his life and biography of Böhme.
Mr. Joseph is also a theologian, but not self-educated, but educated at a Catholic seminary priests at Sacred Heart Krakow. He arrived in Zgorzelec, as champion at the age of 30 years, founded the family nad Nisou and led adult life. Grochal stresses that both persecuted for their faith. Teacher because of the unfinished history of theological studies harassed communism. Jacob Richter tormented pastor, who utterly cobbler - heretic non-print and eventually expelled from the city. The times were troubled. Lutheran-Catholic raged Thirty Years' War - Görlitz together with all Gorne Lusatia in between the warring camps. Suspicion of heresy and infidelity doctrine, regardless of confession, brought with them a threat of persecution. In a year when he suffered the first revelation Böhme, at the stake in Rome Giordano Bruno was burned.
Jacob knew the nature of things, achieved a state of mind in which all divisions are disappearing, and blurs the line between divine and human. Joseph Since the early sixties, he settled in Zgorzelec, overcomes boundaries, primarily in human heads. said that prejudices and stereotypes more difficult to overcome than the barbed nad Nisou. First, as a history teacher sought to exchange students from the neighboring village Ludwigsdorf. Later, in the role of educator, for many years traveled to the colonies in the East and tried to approach the young Polish and German. Seated in the council of the city of Zgorzelec, take initiatives for cooperation across borders. This is trying to do the same in the Association "Euroopera.
Böhme lived between the world of gods and men. Grochal also seems to did not trouble his head much worldly affairs. Not familiar with pop culture, fashion or track and not keep up with modern trends. Once I visited the house of Jacob, a few people talking in English. The group was a man dressed in a dark overcoat and hat. Mr. Joseph drew attention to him because I did not want dandy that guided the curator of the exhibition. Visitors prefer to see the house alone memory. At the end left a high donation. "Nicolas Cage visited Görlitz and the house of Jacob Böhme - Grochal read in the newspaper the next day. Does not deal with this because of any remorse. There also decided to look at closely from now on to the public. He jokes that sooner recognize God in Zgorzelec than Hollywood star.
December 2009
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House of Jacob Boehme (second from left) |
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