Medykalia 2011: Emptiness, 199 Plagiarism, Elemental
Medykalia 2011 in Haunted Manor in Katowice is not accidental name. The event is primarily geared for students of medicine, however the whole world is welcome (for a small fee). At this year's edition, May 5 in Katowice at the University Club played (in order): Void, Plagiarism 199 and Elemental. Luckily, in the middle were familiar with human anatomy, students, and future possible that laryngologowie, because during the concert can be sometimes deaf.
had originally began Plagiarism 199, along the way and Elemental Emptiness had ended, but just before the concert we were able to talk with Radoslaw Lukasiewicz, guitarist Pustki. It turned out that the team went off concert in Brussels at the Place Flagey in the Void vs Aelita and because of the early flights, the team had to postpone the hour of performance in the Haunted Manor at 19.30. And they began to 20.00. The concert could disappoint fans Pustki of earlier times, because they heard songs from third album, For me Well, up the publishing ladder, but it is not no secret that since the death of John heel and "takeover" of the main vocals by Barbara Wrońska, the team simply to old pieces do not come back. Once that today are completely different formation, two that would be rather difficult to copy the voice of Basia Wrońska Heel. Comforting is that the "momentary weakness", a classic from the time of heel, is now heading an iron Pustki each concert. From To Me Well, you also heard the "Slides." Another album, End Crisis thrillingly scored "Senta documents, track Basia, drums poszalał Gregory himself does little mucus, and besides, raged the entire concert.
heard "Parzydełko" with fabulous bass line Szymon Tarkowski, although the bass "was lost" still in the acoustic couplings. The crisis is also flew "not meant to be" excellent, sweet, "Do not get lost in the crowd" and the moment at which for a moment forgot about the world, "unhealthy sense", in my opinion one of the best songs Pustki, lyrically and musically, in terms of the idea for the song and the concept of increasing tensions, up to a passionate explosion. Puns, which is the last regular board Pustki was represented by "Znój", "Notes," "Grass" and "Cheerful I am" (perhaps something omitted). The concert was also typical in playing songs, the band every now and then improvised, extended the songs played, played in a small battle on the bass and drums. At some point, problems with equipment used for a short improvisation on guitar and bass: the workshop took the "Sweet Child of Mine" Guns n Roses. Unfortunately, my overall impression was mixed. Few people, because relatively early, poor sound (sometimes barely heard of Basia) and generally rigid. Except that is not the fault of the voids, they absolutely give advice.
After voids occurred Plagiarism 199, Show off here not specifically because I lay this matter. Not made an effort and did not listen before the concert or one of their songs, and I will not explain the lack of time. I just decided to check them at once, live. They come from Czechowice - Dziedzic. As they say, they play an "energy blend of ska music, punk and reggae, also enhanced its original charismatic female vocals and brass section." The original vocal is credited Madziary Czomperlik, which appeared on the scene dressed as if they just released it from the box. I looked in this mad, girl positive moment and I could not believe how punk, even "robotowych, yet very sleek movements of her body. The moment she took off the top of the singer dressed, to the delight of male eyes. It was above all very loud.
Plagiarism 199 in its composition has a horn section: trumpet and trombone, but was hardly heard her. The singer was probably only heard through its powerful voice that is available. Sometimes the dispute is reminiscent of distortion in space when the crew tries to connect with the earth, but I hear the speakers just a humming sound. This noise does not bother torn fun shot of positive energy (and drinks) Plagiarism 199 people, but the musical sensibility is certainly not tickled. I do not remember any song. That was the end.
At the end (after midnight) came on stage with folk musicians Elemental. I was pleased to see the band two years ago to live in Kinoteatr Rialto. From that, an excellent concert remained only a memory, since the appearance in the popular Stracholu not kidnapped. The changing composition of the team probably did not leave for good musicians. Clearly lacked the spirit of folk and folk after all is a cornerstone of their business. I was not the end, I left after half an hour, quite disappointed. The Haunted Manor, in my opinion can be fun, but purely musical experience to look there rather vain.
Martin Barela