historic industrial architecture in Poland for many years was on the sidelines of the renovation and restoration work. The size of such objects and their relatively recent emergence time and the low attractiveness of the aesthetic and tourism have made the buildings pofabryczne Lodz or Silesia has long started to fall into ruin, and in no way employed full swing recalling former industrial giants. Even a little accustomed to these deteriorating complexes that may be encountered in almost every major city. When, after a change of regime in 1990, heavy industry began to slowly be privatized and split into small companies, was reversed with the largest market, which was the East, new technologies have pushed brushed aside outdated interconnect technology and machinery, it was only a matter of time when the factory chimneys cease to go smoke.
In the mid-90 th century, many plants light and heavy industry had filed for bankruptcy. Thousands of people plunged in despondency and hopelessness. Their previous jobs have become a useless relic of a bygone era. Many of these establishments was later dismantled brick by brick by his former employees, who are now in this way earned their bread. Conservation services, not saved, many of these facilities because they were not included in the register of monuments.
managed to survive only the largest and most important factories, the rest remained gravel and brick chimneys. Some objects (usually the light industrial halls) have been developed for warehousing or storage, but apart from the fact that these objects were (are) used - no action on the restoration can not count. Fortunately, these were objects that were adapted for research institutions such as museums, art galleries, etc.