Chomsky and the Media / Chomsky i media - Lektor pl [cz. 14/15]
front of our eyes, with the passive attitude of the politicians, the media, special forces, this is the last act of the loss of sovereignty of our country.
gambling scandal "worth it" may be 0.5 billion PLN megaaferę effectively transfer, in which Poland has lost some 1,500 billion PLN.
Megaafera not be noticed, perhaps because he has incredible size, but so easily verifiable.
At a time when successive governments looking for solutions to diversify fuel supplies, are quietly distributed to Polish oil and gas resources to foreign firms. The official version of the National Chief Geologist is: "We provide resources to their diagnosis, we do not have resources for this purpose and modern technology."
It lies.
for decades, including the last 20 - the anniversary, tampered with geological information. For example, the annual balances of Mineral Resources (PGI) report that there are only 150 billion m3 of gas (at 10 years of operation) and 19.5 million tons of oil (at 1.3 years of operation).
As if by magic wand, when the transfer of resources to identify, once it is known that the gas resource at Kutno passed in 2007, FX Energy is around 500 billion m3, and Gas company Chevron passed in 2009. (Both U.S. companies) is about 1000 billion m3 (1 billion). These resources simply have been a long time, through several thousand years of drilling in 60 and 70 - of the twentieth century and the other (satellite) in the following years, diagnosed, and undisclosed information Polish society and passed agenturze KGB.
no disclosure of these resources has been and is even on hand who have a business in importing gas from Russia.
Forwarded now in the hands of foreign gas reserves in an amount of about 1.5 billion m3 (about 150 years the demand of the current Polish) for approximately 1% of the value (for the mining concession fees - PLN/1000m3 5.63) with a loss of about 2000 billion PLN (the price of gas from Russia is over 400 USD/1000 m3).
These resources have been long recognized and American companies referred to above (in FX Energy is the former vice president of PGNiG), a 100% certainty as to the size of the stocks, then praise themselves for their websites.
manipulation of information by the Chief Geologist of Poland, who gave concessions, is that concessions are granted (issued to foreign firms over 30), he claims only to identify resources.
give up for this take on everyone, not knowing the geological and mining law, which are currently in Article 12 provides that: who recognized the bed ... it may request priority for his life before others. This means that the diagnosis is unequivocal right to life.
same in Article 15 is continued in the draft new law gig - Sejm 1696.
Project gig of the new law seeks to transfer a total of all energy resources (and other) by the licensing authority subordinate to the Chief geologist country for one purpose - the transfer of these resources into the hands of private companies without a tender or przetargowo . With the exception of state interests, local government and citizens, in the present owner. Which denies the possibility of using their own resources.
addition yet invented a new law the possibility of absolute expropriation of property by the owners of the existing one that has been licensed to diagnose and / or exploitation.
example FX Energy has been an area of \u200b\u200bland. 8.5 thousand. km2 of land in Poland, which can take minutes. 50 years, wywłaszczając all, if see that some business. The new law aims to facilitate the gig as well lignite transfer into foreign hands. Lignite has a "go" to the privatization of energy, which means that the expected 12 billion PLN (currently estimated to reach 25 billion PLN) from the privatization of energy sector will lose resources worth hundreds of billion PLN. Local governments and community organizations to effectively eliminate the licensing process, through successive legal restrictions laws, intentional manipulation of the law.
It all becomes unreliable by its simplicity. It seems to us that no one can take from us our houses, plots, fields and forests.
And yet - at least enough to read a draft summary of the new geological and mining law in order to understand the horror of the situation.
succeeded, with the passive attitude of virtually all political forces to stay open letter to the President and the Prime Minister, Marshals of the Sejm and the Senate (they got all Members) to slow down legislation that law (the law had come into force on 1 July 2009.).
Sejm passed the appointment of the Special Subcommittee of the Parliamentary Committee on Printing 1696 - draft of a new geological and mining law, after several months of fruitless discussions in the subcommittee, local governments and social organizations have ceased to participate in it discretion of the President and Members PO. From the information we have obtained knowledge that the many amendments made few amendments to the draft brought the Subcommittee on Government (Project Chief Geologist Country), the project is soon to hit the second reading.
conclusion - we all duperelami a steal here, with complete impunity, all that matters to us. Especially the future. We could be Norway or Kuwait, and we are the poorest of the poor wycyckanym bunch of mafia "political elite".
Maybe it is time to stop while there anything left?
might want the public to disclose all the crap about building our energy security, in which we get rid of their fuel as a source of income to buy from others for serious money.
This nonsense about energy security in which we get rid of pennies profitable energy companies with the resources.
The need to build nuclear power plants when demand for energy continues to decrease, as has already been granted permission to 12.5 thousand. MW of wind energy connections, (was to consider the applications of 54 thousand. MW), ie, 1 / 3 of the installed capacity of all power plants now. Then, when the available geothermal resources (rocks and water) can provide electricity to power about 50 thousand. MW.
The necessity of the project CCS - capture, compression and injection exhaust gases from the combustion of coal by PGE (prepared for sale on the stock exchange) in the most valuable works geothermal brine deposits of Jurassic in central Poland.
Maybe someone will tell the public through the media ogłupiałemu and save this country?
Urzeczywistnijmy words of John Paul II:
"This is our homeland, it is ours to be and have, no one can take us to be and to have our"